Jul 31Liked by Inaya Folarin Iman

For decades, the unrelenting message from UK and US elites has been that we need to think about everything in racial terms. So it should be no surprise that so many people, including many whites, have begun to think about everything in racial terms.

It is an inexorable feature of human social psychology that when one set of people in a society "tribes up," the rest will eventually "tribe up" too. That's why societies need to be vigilant about averting tribalism before it gets started.

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It's too late.

The train has left the station, and there's no turning back.

This is after years of screeching about white privilege, black lives matter, crying about racism--now you're trying to avert "tribalism"?

That ship has sailed. Once white people shut the doors to their societies, it's game over for those looking to exploit European welfare states while crying about colonialism at the same time.

So if you want everyone to stop being tribal, start with Jews then tell Muslims then tell blacks. Until then, whites have every right to protect what their ancestors built. Because the free ride is coming to an end.

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" That's why societies need to be vigilant about averting tribalism before it gets started."

Tribalism is a natural extension of the protective instincts we have for our families. It is ingrained deeply into the human condition. It is the basis of civilisation. Without a familial/ cultural identity and sense of belonging (to a whole that is greater than your individual self) people are not motivated to invest in long term.

In the west the family has been under attack for generations, and without that sense of belonging we have an epidemic of young women who cannot comprehend long term investments. Instead they live for the moment, for hookups, clicks, subs and only fans income. This is what happens when people lose their sense of tribal identity. A high trust society based on long term investments turns into a low trust society based on short term self gratification and service to self.

If you want to have a high trust relationship, family, tribe or society you have to set boundaries and enforce monogamy/ loyalty/ tribalism. Open relationships do not generally inspire trust and investment - especially when the open nature of the relationship is enforced by one party onto the other! The same is true at any scale, all the way up to 'society' at large.

For 'multiculturalism' to work, you have to have distinct and multiple cultures. To have that you need to have distinct boundaries between cultures. What politicians call 'multiculturalism' is actually an enforced monoculture where all cultures are thrown into a giant pot and stirred up.

What we are seeing on BOTH sides of the equation is not a 'war', but distress. Whether that distress manifests as high crime and stabbings or protests and riots it is all the same thing.

The fault does not lie with any particular race. The fault does not like with immigrants or natives. The fault lies with the people who are deliberately smashing cultures together and stirring them up in a pot.

All wars would end if politicians and bankers were made to stand on the front lines. And all 'multiculturalism' (monoculturalism) would end if politicians and bankers were forced to live in multicultural cities and regions (in ordinary houses).

Human nature is universal. We are all on the same page. There is no division of views. There are just realists, ideologues and Machiavellian social engineers.

Cultural diversity is a wonderful thing. Who doesn't enjoy traveling the world and experiencing other cultures? Cultural diversity is a product of tribalism. Enforcing monoculture is an attack on cultural diversity. It is an attack on human nature itself.

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Most Brits reject the frequent portrayal of their country as a place filled with racism and discrimination, and they do not see their national identity as a source of shame or embarrassment.

There is a sorrowful, unspoken grief that our nation is being taken over by those who are hostile to its history and traditions, who despise everything we cherish about Britain, and who use any means (except democracy) to change and undermine it. My wife is Indian and she love Britishness and hates the way the country is changing

We also have the likes of Kehinde Andrews writing books called The Psychosis of Whiteness. With all that stacked against white people, is it any wonder White Indetity politics is on the rise.

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If it's so awful, why do so many third worlders want to live there?

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This article raises some interesting points but also misses what is really happening in the UK. If you take time away from your London elite media bubble and come to the Midlands or up north you will see the reality. Anytime ordinary decent people object or ask questions about the huge numbers of undocumented people dumped in our communities we are called racist and fascist, smeared by all the press and heavily policed, sanctioned and cancelled. No political party raises our concerns or cares. It is wrong to riot, smash our own areas up and attack the police. There is no racial solution to the problems we face, that is nonsense. However, the real rage felt by us ordinary majority, of all racial backgrounds is real, simmering and has no outlet. Just facts. If you want to come over to the West Midlands, I will show you. If not, jog on, respectfully.

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You don't think removing third world migrants, starting with Pakistanis, wouldn't immediately improve society overall?

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No I don't. The first thing to do is enforce the UK border. If you have no border we have no country. If boats arrive illegally at on UK shores, tow them back or intercept them in the channel. Not difficult to do. Sir Keir says he wants to uphold the rule of law? Uphold the legal border then? The deportations of undocumented illegal migrants can follow that, no problems with that. The UK has been in economic stagnation since the 1960's, that is not down to mass immigration. That is down to no serious long term strategy to bring about a new industrial revolution, a poverty of vision and lack of leadership.

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The Pakistanis, Africans, and Middle Easterners are in the UK living off benefits due to the lack of the border.

Once they're removed, crime will drop precipitously and public services will improve immediately.

Securing the border can be done easily. If white people can be rounded up and put through 24 hour courts if the government wants to, they could secure the border without a problem. It's not a matter of ability. It's political will.

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Why would you start with the Pakistani’s first?

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I agree where the problem stems from is from 1997 we have allowed polish, Romanians. Kurds, Syrians, Croatian, Albanians…into our country and now they’re coming from the third world. This has to be stopped. But stop blaming one segment of a group in society. What you need to do is to blame Government and Government policies.

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Here's where this has gone--

I point out that Pakistanis need to leave first, and you're baffled as to why.

I explain, and you agree but then try to point out it's actually the government's fault.

It's not JUST the government's fault. These people voluntarily chose to move to the UK, they choose to remain here, they choose to leech of the NHS and benefits, they have inbred children, and they refuse to leave. They are part of the problem. Just because you want to make excuses for them does not change that.

You're not smart enough to discuss this. Be quiet. Mass deportations is the best response, and that's what the government will have to do.

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I think you should be the first to leave! I think we can gather from your previous posts that you have an underlay if hate for Pakistani’s, your words ‘deport all of them…’ So really your are venting blatant bigotry

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For god sake!! First stop patronising me about my intelligence! I’m an academic who has spent over 20 years of my life studying, researching and publishing papers on identity, race, culture, capitalism…Secondly, majority of Pakistanis work in all walks of life from being shopkeepers, taxi drivers, doctors, nurses, care workers, receptionists, retail, restaurants…which heavily contributes to our economy, it’s a small batch like other certain groups of this country white and blacks that do abuse our welfare system. Rape is not on!! It’s disgusting. I’m with you on that.

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Wow, an academic. No wonder people are so smart nowadays. Universities really are centers of learning. The type of people who tell everyone that a man in a skirt is really a woman.

You're worthless.

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You must have become stupid or were born stupid! Not all academics share ideas that you just have stated

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Yes I am aware of that. But the rest law abiding Pakistani citizens what have they done to you?

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And it's this type of stupidity that has been the downfall of the UK.

If you refuse to see that dumping millions of angry, ungrateful third worlders has been the main cause of the failure of the UK in the 21st century, I can cite a million things those "law-abiding" Pakistanis have done, it still wouldn't make a difference to you because you're not intelligent enough to see what's going on.

Those "law-abiding" Pakistanis are the ones who overuse the NHS with their inbred children that make up 1/3 of children with recessive disorders, they overuse health services and housing, they overuse benefits, they do not integrate, they are not British, they control politics with their mere presence and vote. Why do you think those rape gangs were covered up by the media, police, and government for so long?

And btw, when you ask them why they are here if they dislike the UK so much, their response is invariably "colonialism." Pakistan has been independent since 1947. The first major wave of Pakistani migrants arrived in the UK in the 1970s. What kind of idiot waits 30 years after independence to then go to the source of what they claim is the problem, to collect benefits and commit organized rape? They admit their mere presence is a burden.

Their presence is the reason British people will become a minority in their own country. Nobody should encourage or celebrate their own extinction. Nobody would expect Jews in Israel to do that.

If you're sitting there baffled, wondering why this is a problem, then you're too stupid to waste time on. I can't waste my time on stupid people anymore. I just can't. It's not my job to teach low-IQ ignoramuses online.

And you're a "sociologist"? Wondering about what's going on here? Call yourself The Dolt. That's accurate.


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Why would you start with the Pakistani’s first?

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I think that is what she was saying, actually

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Aug 2Liked by Inaya Folarin Iman

I don't know how much white identity politics there really is. But if people keep trading on the idea that minority racial identities are somehow better, we can only expect it to rise. All racialised politics need to be completely disowned before it is too late to restore peace and order. When folk are treated with blatant injustice, we can hardly expect them to react favourably - much as we might hope, wish or desire anything else.

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I didn't hear any of this talk about disowning racialised politics when BLM mobs were literally running rampant throughout the streets and bringing down statues while the police were on their knees.

Only now you want it disowned? Why?

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I don't really understand your point/question, Kat. I was against racialised politics during all of the BLM protests and I am still against it. The legacy media is another matter, of course.

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It doesn't matter what YOU, a civil servant on Substack, do or say. You're not that important.

I'm speaking of overall social themes, as pushed by academia, media, social media, politicians, police, and government.

Nobody had a problem with racial politics when it's antiwhite, when BLM mobs were bringing down statues, when the police were on their knees. Who is in charge of the "legacy media"? Why did they push it?

And you think NOW that it's time to stop racialised politics, when the government opened up 24 hour courts to throw white people in jail after an African migrant went on a stabbing spree as Channel migrants make records crossing by the thousands?

That ship has sailed. It's done. Now, it's just a matter until white countries close their doors to the invasion, and you and what you say is meaningless. If you really want to stop "racialised politics," talk to Jews first then Muslims then blacks.

Go ahead.

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Black Africans have invented nothing since the bone harpoon. From the classroom to the high street to the workplace they intimidate, assault, rape and murder whites without fear of any blowback because as everyone from Ken Livingstone on the" left "to the Daily Mail types on the right "only whites can be racist "and institutional racism is endemic in UK society. Muslims have been given latitude to sexually exploit hundreds of thousands of white girls the length of the country with no reaction from the law because of those institutional racism accusations. And quelle surprise in the piece there was scant mention of the reason for the riots in Southport-the savage knife rampage which took the lives of three white/deemed white little girls carried out by a fellow black African male. This followed another knife attack by a black male on a serving soldier a week earlier. All this after something called David Lammy became Britain's foreign minister.While calling the gypsies who rioted in Leeds "white Christians when all gypsies hailed from the Punjab showed your total disingenuousness on the issue and in the process undermining your credibility

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It's REALLY not helpful to characterise black Africans in this way. Not if we're actually trying to prevent complete social breakdown.

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They don't need me to characterise themselves that way..... By their deeds shall ye know them. So 'complete social breakdown "follows if whitey doesn't continue to do everything to make blacks feel special?Intimidation and the threat of violence is their trump card and nothing can be done if they" feel disrespected" and riot is how you seem to view it. Maybe the full force of the law would be appropriate...

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I think you misunderstand. What is unhelpful is being drawn into the whole black-white dialectic when we both know that there are good and bad people on both sides of the equation. I'm against pandering to minorites and believe that we should treat all equally, based on skills and character rather than superficial characteristics like skin colour. If we start saying that blacks are like this or like that we are only playing the same devilish game as those who talk about white privilege and other such racist nonsense. I understand (and feel) the frustration, but if we truly value our civilization, it is essential that we rise above all that.

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It's gone way beyond any sense of fairness and balance as the recent events have shown. The globalists are in control and the native white population are to be swamped by mass immigration into every single nook and cranny of their countries.To make their plan work guilt and unearned privilege is automatically ascribed to whites no matter what status they have in society while non whites above all blacks are victims of historical and current racism in every aspect of their daily lives. The likes of Soros, Sutherland and Sarkozy have all promoted mass immigration and miscegenation into white countries to eradicate the identity of each and every individual European nation in the cause of globalism.

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You are quite right about all this happening, Anthony. I'm only saying that white or black identity doesn't actually mean much and it makes us all less when we speak in these terms. The key point, I think, is resisting the overwhelming of our native culture by people who couldn't care less about it. On that I'm sure we agree.

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People are unequal, and people are geared for tribal identification. Hand wringing and feels don’t change that fact. It’s nature, and nature will always prevail. Just stop pretending that it ever worked in the first place, because it didn’t.

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I agree with much in this article. But if you keep teaching people that the way to get what you want is to demand it, accuse other people of hoarding it, threaten violence either explicit or implicitly, scream bloody blue murder and smash stuff up until you get it, don’t be surprised when people learn that lesson and act accordingly.

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The problem with this 'consensus' that it was imposed from above, and gradually manufactured.

In the 1960s Enoch Powell was the most popular politician. If you'd had a referendum about large numbers of non-White immigrants coming, people would have said no.

NOW liberals care about public opinion, after 60-years of indoctrination, demoralisation, and humiliation?

Indigenous Britons should have the right to remain a majority in the country they built. The 'anti-racist consensus' has been catastrophic, and why the constant demonisation of Whiteness has never stopped. Critical Race Theory becoming predominant in society prove that Enoch Powell was right, that a substantial non-White population will pose an existential threat to White interests.

I'm fine with an only 95% White country, and including mixed people as White. But uncontrolled immigration from non-White countries is a major threat to the existence of our nation, because however much we try to accommodate them, they will always see themselves as 'other' and be vulnerable to racial agitation through Critical Race Theory no matter how many generations they've been here. Compare that to White Eastern European immigrants, who are assimilated within a single generation.

Non-Whites will exploit White indulgence of their victimhood, the rise of Wokeism proves that a multiracial society can't work and is only a source of conflict. The only reason there hasn't been 'Rivers of Blood' is because Whites never asserted their interests en-masse, and gave the racial agitators everything they wanted, only to still demand more. They literally feel the need to REWRITE HISTORY through slanderous 'colorblind casting.'

I'm not somebody who would ever be unpleasant to somebody of racial minority background. Unlike Martin Luther King, who merely pretended to believe in this to get Whites to feel guilty whilst he really supported reparations and affirmative action, I really do think 'not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.'

But I'm very happy to be called 'racist', because that word has come to mean any White that does not roll over, debase, and humiliate themselves to appease minorities. Nothing will ever be enough, they will call you racist for being colorblind just like they'll call you racist for being an explicit White Nationalist. I would rather not accept any moral framing from people who want to erase me from existence.

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Inaya is right. Identity politics in any shape or form does no good to anyone other than those who exploit division for personal gain - certainly it does no good to society as a whole. Allowing identity politics to gain traction, as it has in recent years, also risks undermining all the gains that were made between the 1960s and 2000s - which were amazing and positive. Let's get back, I say, to MLK Jr's dream and vision of the future - that was a vision that can inspire all people, whatever their racial background, something positive and unifying to work towards.

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MLK was playing politics based on race as a black man. That's what civil rights was.

Please just stop.

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Problem with all of that is, England was for millennia, let’s say, not brown, call em off white, call them white, call them eggshell I don’t care. And people were warned when you make white peoples feel vilified about being white, you will help to foster a White identity. And believe it or not, we do in fact want to fight for what we see as our interests. Literally NOBODY ELSE gives a shit about any plight we may be going through. The white identity is growing exponentially in America, and England I’m sure. If the rules are based around race, so is the game. We don’t have to play by different rules because you guys think it’s not a good look for white peoples to organize amongst each other and demand better for the country THEIR ANCESTORS BUILT. Give me a break. And like it or not, white people probably have a better vision for their own country than the brown dude who just came last year and fucking can’t stand stupid white English folks. Japan is doing it right, saying NO. Maybe they waste away and end up a ghost town, it’s better than giving your country to barbarians at the gate waiting to make your culture and country disappear and replace it with a new shit hole similar to what they just left. Whites are getting fed diversity is a slogan, diversity just means you will have different races hating each other and competing for resources. The utopia you guys long for where all get along great and it’s all love doesn’t exist.

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White identity is a nonsense category that thinks type people in elite bubbles get paid and funded to waffle about. Meanwhile, in the real world, let's talk freely. I am from Irish immigrants, 3rd generation, raised in Toxteth with Jamaicans. I saw the signs, no dogs, no Irish no blacks. We all mixed freely, no benefits and gradually improved our situations. When the then racist police came into our area, L8, and bashed up our friends for being black or Irish, we took them on. Hand to hand. We moved away from the sink areas and most of us thrive now. You don't choose how you are born, you choose how to find a way through, and do. I am not racist or fascist, but get called that when I defend the idea of borders. If you have no border, you have no country, very simple. If you have no voice or say through voting, you don't vote, why would you? The UK is lost in self loathing, despite the amazing people and opportunities here. The majority don't vote and are correct in not doing so, voting has delivered absolutely no difference in my lifetime. Rational people, like me raise our kids and grandchildren by ourselves, in our communities, well away from the official experts and their self loathing and state handouts and we thrive together. Just facts.

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Nobody was saying any of this when BLM mob knew exactly who the white people to blame were and the police were on their knees.

If you think this is going to work now, you're lying to yourself. The ship has sailed. You are going to have to deal with it because nobody is "thriving together." White people are being given 2 year sentences for facebook posts or watching a protest while BLM mobs were untouched and Muslim rape gangs operate undisturbed.

Just stop it.

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Useful observation. Over here in the west midlands we do thrive together, only in the basis that you are decent. Shout jihad, get dealt with, shout racist lines at my mix race cousin, get knocked out. Just how the real world works, do you want to venture over and see that? Respectfully.

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You sound like a complete fucking moron.

Go tell the Muslim rape gangs how well you and your mixed race cousin thrive, you complete bell end.


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Your inchoate response says it all, good luck with your isolated keyboard bile, I hope it consumes you

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My response was fully formed.

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Everyone knows who’s white when it’s time to point fingers. It’s only a nonsense category when whites want to play by the same rules everyone else plays by. Stop believing in lies that weaken your natural group.

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As I’d expect from you, honest, well thought out and fair. What is happening now has been brewing for a very long time and successive governments have resolutely failed to address the issues. I’d argue they’ve deliberately done so. Division has been sowed and the extreme ideas from a bourgeois leftist elite have now had as damaging effect on social cohesion and ‘race relations’ as anything the actual far-right could have wished for. And it will be us, people who live alongside each other in sincere respect and commonality who’ll suffer not the race separatists and patronising liberal elite who have hounded me as being a racist because I dared question them. War is what many want and when we said it was likely they dismissed us as being conspiracy theorists. I can’t help but think that’s what they do want and it will assist them in bringing in another level of authoritarianism. It’s a tragedy.

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" .... by framing whiteness as an ‘oppressed’ identity”."

This idea, popular among liberals, that whites are somehow different from all other racial groups is ITSELF an example of racism.

Every other race expresses, celebrates, and defends their own racial identity. The idea that whites don't have an identity or cannot be marginalised, oppressed or unfairly treated puts whites ABOVE all other races.

We might even consider this attitude a form of 'white supremacy'. It is certainly arrogant and patronising. Whites are not special. They are as vulnerable to being exploited, marginalised and oppressed as any other race. To think otherwise is to hold racist views.

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White identity politics is inevitable.

All politics is identity politics. If Jews are going to play identity politics, as well as blacks, Muslims, etc., then white people will too. And nothing can stop it.

Whites are still the people who built Britain, their ancestors are the ones who established Britain, they are still the majority, and once they realize that they're under attack (and they are), they're going to stop being shamed and take back their society. It cannot be stopped, and it cannot be worse than thousands of illegal migrants crossing the Channel, not to mention millions of legal migrants, while screeching about colonialism or racism or some other bullshit.

When that happens, it's game over. No more benefits, no more free healthcare, no more covered up rape gangs. And I think the author knows that.

It's time for remigration. It's simply inexorable.

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If white Brit’s become a minority in 50 years it WILL be a problem. How does the author think it might be otherwise? None of the countries immigrants largely come from are functional or able to thrive without adopting western values, western capital and infrastructure- and too many resent the culturally superior western, largely Caucasian indigenous . In what world does the author thinking that replacement of the indigenous inhabitants will not be disaster- for both groups.

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She might know it subconsciously.

She just doesn't want to admit it.

Because the country built by white people that these migrants came to exploit won't exist anymore. Then where will they go?


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You'll be brownout -- the most logical solution. 100 years down the road? Accept what you can’t stop without destroying yourselfs.

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You are proudly the daughter of an illegal immigrant - you have benefitted from Britain but didn't build the country and unfortunately encapsulate much of the problem.

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Some of the things you’re characterising as white identity politics are the same things as what you are promoting. An intolerance of intolerance. Go and talk to the New culture forum, and Calvin Robinson, ask them to explain themselves. I see little difference between your position and theirs. It’s easy to smear people and not listen to them. You might find in a few years it’s yourself on the receiving end of the smears.

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Spot on. Read this twice to make sure.

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